October 28, 2013

Time Machine

Yes, I have found time machine which can take me to the past... And I think most of us will be able to relate to this time machine.

This time machine is nothing but our college or school...

Whenever I visit my college, it takes me to the past. It takes me those lectures which I attended. It takes me the exact bench which I occupied. My friends who were there besides me. It takes me to the moments when those lectures were fun, boring, exciting, sleepy, interesting and sometimes off... It takes me to all those breaks, lunch times, tea times, dinner times. It makes my taste buds remember the exact taste of the food (where all the food items have the same gravy). It takes me to those discussions over steamy tea, hot and intense debates along with crispy gossips about friends and teachers. It takes me to the toilets who's walls are filled with all the breaking news, recent developments etc. This time machine walks me through the lobbies and corridors along with my friends. This machine makes me re-live the moments full of emotions, drama, love friendship, fun, tension etc etc. This time machine reduces my age and makes me feel younger. It takes me those corners which have been made special by the special moments...

Basically its like a blast from the past. You remember so many things so closely that you actually feel like you are in the past...

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