May 14, 2010

What a beautiful word!!!! Today, as you read through this passage, try to figure out your passion. This passion can be about anything, but you should remember that passion is different than your hobby. Passion is more intense. You create '25th hour' in your day, just for your passion. It’s the thing which makes you forget about everything, only your passion and you share that common space. If you ask me, my passion is writing. Then, that writing can be anything, may some text, may be some experience, may be a poem or may be just jotting down my emotions at a particular time, or whatever that comes to my mind. Passion is not for the others, it should satisfy you. I feel so relieved after I write anything. All my emotions get vent to express. I write for myself. Same way you should think hard to find your passion. Then it can be cooking, gardening, reading, dancing or as simple as cutting newspaper articles and pasting them in a notebook. It can be anything. Do think over it and find out your passion. If you are confused in life and don't know what to do, whom to ask; instead of thinking hard about negative things around you or future and taking tension, do think about your passion. Talk to yourself and you will get your direction automatically.

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