September 6, 2014

7 signs of Nothing....

The whole Facebook is going crazy about articles like 16 signs you are real Mumbaikar / Punekar / 'XYZ'kar, or or 13 signs you love Coffee / Tea / Whiskey / Water / Oxygen / Nitrogen / Argon / 'Periodic Table' gas or 18 Indian Cuisines you must try in your lifetime, some 999999 reasons why you love food, 10 signs why you can't live without your dog / why men are lazy / why wives are nagging / why - why - why etc., some 0.01 reasons why you love to study or 14 signs if you are loyal to your partner, or some 3.14 reasons why you love pie (you see what I have done here? Cool...) I decided to crook, I mean cook some 7 signs of nothing....

1. There is Nothing (Center-Aligned)...

2. It is spelled as 'N - O - T - H - I - N - G':

3. Center - Top Aligned Nothing:

4. Center - Bottom Aligned Nothing:

5. lowercase nothing

6. Then there is Italic Nothing

7. Also don't forget the Underlined Nothing:

However you can also add your own signs of nothing like Bold Nothing, Times New Roman Nothing, Colored Nothing... So go on create some more signs of Nothing...(and don't forget to add pictures!)

March 25, 2014

English Sense of Humor

Just now experienced an 'English' sense of humor and couldn't stop myself from chuckling. This small incident showed smiling side of ever serious British man.

A gentleman got separated from his wife on  London station due to the crowd. He got into the first coach and his wife boarded the last one. His wife didn't have a mobile. So she requested the ticket checker to make an announcement. This was his announcement:

T. C.: This announcement is for Mr.
***** who might be sitting in coach one. Your wife has boarded the train and she is in the last coach. She will meet you once we are at the next station which will take about 30 mins. Till then ENJOY your next half an hour.

February 25, 2014

Sisyphus - mind vs brain

The fight that a sensitive mind goes through with itself is something that trouble me a lot. It's like a battle you can't win or lose. It's a perpetual struggle like a story of Sisyphus. In Greek mythology Sisyphus was a king punished by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this action forever. Struggle with oneself is like this story.

We convince our emotional and sensitive mind that the world is practical and you need to think practically, with your brain. This task is similar to that of carrying huge boulder up a hill. As soon as we convince our mind the same, something happens and it rolls back to it's original self and becomes more vulnerable. We helplessly watch this happening over and over again.

I think this happens with artists more often. They struggle to live in this harsh practical world. Their own little dream world where they live is always under threat. I can vouch for it through my own experience as a poet and writer. It's really difficult to fight with your own brain every day, every moment, get convinced and eventually fall back to the original state of mind to start the fight all over again...