January 9, 2009

Monte Casino, Jo'burg

Monte Casino is one of the happening places in Jo'burg. It has very unique apperance from inside (just like Italy), and there is Day section and Night section where the roof is painted as if its day or night... nice place to hang around... this snap is one of my fav's; and you can guess why... :) 

We went there just before x'mas...

Couple of my frens, Raj and Saurabh...

They have a big Casino also and some 15 odd movie screens. We go there on most of the Fridays to watch some hindi movie.

One of the coffee shops where we had coffee...

They have some of the old vehicles there...actually you are not allowed to click snaps around those vehicles, but we did it....

January 5, 2009

Trip in Cape town

On this day, we went to Table Mountain but because of the heavy winds, we caouldn't go up through cable train. I will upload that video soon. so keep watching for that video...lolzzz... :) ... well, as our plan got cancelled, we decided to go to V & A Waterfront in Capetown (I will upload that video also..), but because we took one wrong turn we had to go to Kristeinbosch , a very beautiful botanical garden. I have inlcuded selected snaps only...

My trip to Cape Point

Guys, Check out the video of my trip to cape point...