April 3, 2008

Friendshipr version 1.0

Today I thought of jotting down something related with Friendship which is one of the topics which is very close to everyone’s heart. Everyone has number of “Hi-Bye” friends, but there are very few close pals. The general tendency that I have seen in any group of friends is the way the group forms. There is not any thumb rule or formula for the formation of the group, it jus “happens”. We all start sharing, talking, having fun, josh’s (bole to pulling one’s leg) , laughs (LOLzzzz), SMSs-calls (mostly missed calls), Breakfasts-lunches-dinners, teas at canteen or Anna’s tapree or katta, songs, movies, parties, dances, dumb-share arts, killer PJ’s, TPs, snaps, lectures, assignments, presentations (if you are doing MBA), those night outs, hard work, smart work of copy+pasting from google (googling)…there are many things we share and grow with each other. But…

But then the group undergoes something known as “groups within the groups”. This is the fact that there are some people who are more comfortable with each other and they share the same wavelength. I won’t call this as breaking of the group, but this happens. These subgroups are sometimes more predominant over the original group. After a certain period of time, the original group starts breaking. This breaking is not bad; rather it is important for the overall health of everyone’s relation within the group. This way, we try to keep safe distance with the people with whom we are not very much comfortable, but they are there in the group.

This process of making-breaking does not happen overnight. It takes quite a sum time. Finally the subgroups are the groups in which we feel like home and these groups remain their till the end. We try to hold these people very close to each other and I am referring to these FRIENDS.

There are some silly mistakes, quarrels, tears, ego issues, misunderstandings and many more things which try to break the relationship. It all depends on you whether you want to continue with the relationship or not. If you really value that friend, then you will adjust, talk to him and sort that matter out. If you keep things to yourself then there is huge problem in the future. You allow those stored, unnecessary misunderstanding to grow in your mind and that causes more and more pain. We have to accept the fact that we can’t keep everyone happy and can’t fulfill everyone’s expectations. The other person might be very good person, but it not necessary that he/she becomes your best friend. It is all about the frequency. You should be mature enough to let go that relation which won’t work for you. You should not hold any grudges against that person. It’s fine that you were used to be friends because in the initial stage of friendship we try to portray ourselves as different person than actually we are. It’s like give and take process. We try to know that person, n make that person know you. It is obvious that one can feel like cheated or feel like that person faked his identity initially. But you should not forget that initially you were also not the same that you actually are. You also changed in the process. Everyone should introspect before blaming anyone. You may have some misconception about that person which you never showed or tried to clear. Sometimes the other person may intentionally cheat you. However harsh it is, but this the truth about friendship rather about any relation. This is the major reason why the friendships break. You should be as you are!

The only thing everyone should remember is >

“I would rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I am not. Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are…”
Kurt Cobain.